re-purposed purpose

I found this little chair at a yard sale one Saturday morning. Some people can't wait to sleep in on a Saturday, or sip coffee on the front porch while they peruse their morning paper. I can't wait to hit the road searching for the next big bargain, the next great find. This particular Saturday morning I scored big time. This lovely, dust covered, forgotten, neglected side chair set me back a pretty penny, five bucks worth of pennies to be exact. I quickly set to work, problem solving my way to a semi slip cover/reupholstered chair. I think she's dandy, and she now resides in our little sitting room with the other salvaged chairs all wearing their own unique style. No matched sets of anything for me, nope that's the fun, mixing and surprising our visitors with freakish plays on pattern and scale. I'm sure to most it is the stuff that nightmares and migraines are made of, but for me, it is home. Nothing makes my day more then the remaking of something old. Breathing new life into that which was thought of as used up, brightens me and encourages me. It gives me pause for hope. Hope that I too can be remade and re-purposed. A new breath of life might await me if I only allowed a new viewpoint to enter and work its magic spell. Perhaps we could all use a new semi slip cover/upholstery job now and again with brightly printed patterns covering our old and musty ones. Re-purposed purpose, the possibilities endless.
That's a dandy chair for sure! You did a great job with new attire as well. It's good that we can chose to put on a semi-slip anytime so we can keep from getting so old and musty isn't it?
Another treasure finds a loving home. You did an outstanding job of recovering your chair. Love the fabric too.
Hi I just wanted you to know that I am reading your BLOG and I enjoy it!
Thanks for brightening up my day.
Love the red chair! You did a great job on it. Thanks for sharing your blog, I enjoy reading it.
Come visit me!
That's a GREAT chair !
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