Stop the insanity!
I have decided that I am materially challenged. I love to collect bits and pieces of things. Sure that with some effort I will be able to put them to 'good use' and make a something out of them. But here in lies the problem, I never manage to muster up the nerve to use the bits and pieces I've gathered. Anxiety hits as I approach the piles of stuff I've so aptly amassed. Doubts rise as I question my choices and fear never finding the unique materials again. Once it's used, it's used up! Then what? I won't have it anymore and my collection of beautiful bits and pieces will only be bits. It is a wonder I ever get anything done! Now for the really horrifying revelation into my inner insanity, every now and then, the collections of items gets to me, they haunt me and I begin to see them as clutter so I make a rash decision, a decision to exorcise them by...Oh dare I share it....purging them! They live no more, at the bottom of some donation pile, or trash heap, cherished not, never realizing their full potential or seeing the fruition of their intended purpose. Geez...the guilt! Well, I've resolved to do better, to use the things I collect, to allow the creative energy to spring forth and work their magic on the lovely little collection of things that I have stored in this office/studio/all things dog room. Here is the beginning of my renewed dedication to the process we refer to as creativity... I don't know what I am going to do with them, I haven't identified their purpose, oh Lord, I hope they don't end up like their predecessors!

I have seen these in person and they are ADORABLE! I know, you can just give them all to me! ;-)
I think you have created a unique way to get rid of your scraps. As far as decision making goes, I ponder too much on everything and don't get anything accomplished. LOL
I love your ideas.
I think you have created a unique way to get rid of your scraps. As far as decision making goes, I ponder too much on everything and don't get anything accomplished. LOL
I love your ideas.
How fun! You never cease to amaze me what you can create with fabric! I want one! Or two...or all! They would look great in my craft room!! :)
Those are so much fun! Funky and cool because of your great eye for fabric. Now what are you going to do with them? Show us!
Hi.I was just reading blogs & saw yours & thought these little fabric flowers would be cute for our little tea parties that I do with my daughters every so many do you make them?I was even thinking of maybe making a flower garland with them....I think that would be cute.Thanks for any help!Renee
THe flowers are made from yo-yos. I found this link for you,
the back is a circle cut the same size with pinking shears and then gathered in the middle to make a ruffle. The buttons are vintage, the reason for my stress, and hold both pieces together. BTW, they still haven't found a purpose, but they're growing!
Hope that helps!
(Laughing out loud) Your just like me :o)
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