When you care enough to send the very best

We have already established that I love all things odd. "Normal" just isn't in my vocabulary. We have also established that I am a Habitat for Humanity thrift store junky. I can usually find wonderful little oddities there, and they usually find their way into my car and my heart. This light fixture is just the latest in the growing list of HfH finds. My wonderful hubby and I picked this little one up for just $10.00. I didn't even think to see how it was supposed to be hung. It looked like a ceiling mount to me and it wasn't until I got the thing home, DH had the ceiling fan down and was perch on top of a step stool ready to hang it, that I noticed the label inside that said, "wall mount only" crap, double crap! I don't have use for a wall mount hanging light, I needed a fun and corky ceiling mounted light. Crap! Now in these situations there is only one thing to do, besides yelling crap, call my sweetheart of a brother in law, Kevin to help. See DH is swell and all, he's a keeper, but anything outside of matching colored wires and he freaks. Not one to find satisfaction in a problem solved; he is more of the shrugging shoulders, wrinkle up the brow, I don't care how much you cry and throw yourself on the floor, it is meant to be a wall mounted fixture and that's it, kind of person. But my BiL, he's the go to guy in a pinch, heck he's the go to guy in any situation. I am so grateful that he not only possesses the skills, but catch him on the right day, under the right stars, and in the right state of mind and he's a true problem solver extrodanaire! In a matter of minutes, ok it took an hour, the thing was reworked and wa-la one beautiful, corky, odd ceiling mounted light fixture was up and working. Is there such a thing as BiL day? Cause I'm thinking there should be...maybe I'll contact Hallmark, they're always in the market for a new holiday to shove down our throats...